Saturday, December 26, 2009


Basically whenever I tell my Mom a story about Rylan, she says, "You should write that down". At first I thought she just thought everything I wrote about him was cute, but then I realized she says it for EVERYTHING I tell her, not just the cute things. She also says it for the I'm-ready-to pull-my hair-out-AHHHHHHH! things.

Maybe she intends it to be a form of therapy, or maybe she wants a record of the successes of my motherhood (No, I did not strangle him when he emptied my dishwasher onto the floor, stripped my Christmas tree, and dumped out all of the laundry baskets in the same 5 minutes). Who knows. Anyway...she's right, I should have written it all down sooner, but here are a few...

For a while there, Rylan was calling Jesus "Uncle Jesus". I promise I didn't teach him that.

We made a Grateful Chain for Thanksgiving. I asked Rylan what he was grateful for and he said, "Bathroom fan, guest bathroom fan, green fan, white fan, ceiling fan, air conditioning." Rylan has a thing for fans.

After Alex left on his mission, Ry guy started calling this doll Baby Alex ("baby A-yix"). He would take him everywhere, change his diaper when I changed Evie's diaper, give him a bath by dunking him in the water barrel outside, give him rides on Rylan's firetruck (shoves the firetruck, Baby Alex goes flying off. "Oh! Saw-yee Baby Ayix") ,put him to bed in the cupboards (Good night Baby A-yix, I love you! SLAM!!), etc. etc.

Rylan calls baby Jesus' manger a carseat.

My mom also told me to write about the day he threw up three times, required round the clock breathing treatments, and pooped in the tub. It was a Sunday, so Trevor was gone from 6:30 to 5:30, and I was also feeding Evie every 2-3 hours. There. I wrote about the whole day. Because that's all I did.

He found my pincushion and stuffed the "pokies" into the gap between the piano keys and the wood in front of it. I guess the pins finally worked their way down because now I can play those notes again.

To be continued....

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Hannah on the go taken Oct 19 2009

Amanda Stockdale and Tyler Ray at Grandma James' at 2009 Thanksgiving

Austin, Debra and Andrew Pond. One of the Stockdale girls

Grandma James in Utah. We visited for Thanksgiving and have a pleasant visit with her and the families that live there. We ate Thanksgiving dinner with Alan and Linda and Lindsey. We visited with the Stockdales and Tom's family We attended the Logan Temple and the Salt Lake Temple . It was a nice but quick trip
Scott and Brain Ray playing the piano at Grandma Ray's house. They're getting good!
Rylan Ray and Noah James looking at Grandpa Ray taking pictures, Noah and Rylan are second cousins and only a month apart. They turn two in 2010

Katie Ray 14 montha old, hanging out at Grandpa and Grandma Rays
This is Evie Ray she is two months old She was blessed last Sunday by her father Trevor.
Tyler had mission pictures last Friday Brother McKinnon took them here is one of them.

Merry Christmas

Hey I decided to update our blog as a Christmas Gift to you all, especially Daren and Patience and Courtney and Aaron Enjoy the pictures. We talk to Courtney and Aaron, almost every Sunday Evening and Daren and Patience during the week. Whats is new at our house? a Jacuzzi Jane Allen gave us hers. it works thought we need to fix a leak. Dad and I got in it last night, it was very relaxing. We hope to pull down the rickety play thing and put it over there. Right now the Jacuzzi is on the cement slab where the basketball standard was.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Relaunch of the migglefibs

Hello family,

Just announcing the exciting relaunch of our blog; we have three new posts for you with pics and video. And coming soon, two more poems from Patience. (She just submitted them to a literary journal, but they're REALLY slow, so she'd like some feedback NOW.) Oh yeah, and I finally got IRB approval (I'll probably have a really long post sometime soon about what that drudgery) so it looks like we're going to get our plane tickets arranged, oh, tomorrow. (We'll leave around the end of the month, depending on the best ticket prices).

Daren and Patience

PS, Here's a picture of the new BIG BROTHER when he visited us in the spring. Congratulations Rylan (and to his parents of course!)

Monday, August 3, 2009

Cutie pies+grandpa

I just found these pictures on my camera and thought they were so cute!!!!I can't remember where they are from though.


Me and Aaron often got to Trevor and Becky's for dinner on Thursday nights and we cook together. This is Rylan pre-occupying himself by hiding in the cupboards and closing it on himself. The one below is a video, but I don't know if it will post. I'll figure out how to do that some day. :)
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Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy 3rd birthday, Elizabeth! We love you!
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Our poor dog Cocoa is such a good sport. She does not seem to mind 58 pound Brian riding on her back!
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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Pictures and babies

Our blog is looking quite boring. We need pictures of the cute little kids!!! Sorry, I don't have any yet, but it looks like someone has some work to do.......:)

Sunday, April 5, 2009


Conference was great we watched it using BYU tv from the internet and found that Hannah could watch Saturday's sessions on Sunday night (She had a health fair on Saturday.) Dad's computer works great with our big TV. Dad's first cousin Kevin W Pearson spoke on Saturday afternoon. and Gary E Stevenson a kid I grew up with spoke on Sunday. I am looking forward to getting the Ensign but I'm glad I know I can watch it anytime I want to on BYU TV (An idea for FHE). Tyler just had a volleyball tournament and they won the whole thing. So far they have won every game except one the Mesquite game. Look at the calendar to see his schedule. The rest of the games are in the Mesa school district until State. I'm working on a web page for the office, I got it done but still need to figure out how to upload to godaddy. By the end of the week you should be able to get on to see it! Have a great week Mom
PS The ward graduation party for Tyler is scheduled for May 10 You are all invited I just need to get them a count of who will be attending. More info later

Monday, March 30, 2009

We had cake and ice cream, fruit and artichoke dip as we celebrated Scott's Birthday which is actually today March 30. HAPPY BIRTHDAY SCOTT We met at Scott and Meagan's home. Tler got home last night from DC (Beware he has dyed his mustache dark brown). Only one more day until Mustache march is over!! anyonwe who wants to watch confernece come on over Mom

Sunday, March 22, 2009

This Week
Monday 3/23/09 Family home evening Dad and Moms 7pm I will have gym cards
Tuesday 3/24/09 Tyler's VB game with Chandler at 5 pm at Mesa High $4
Mom and Dad marriage class 7:30
Wednesday 3/25/09 Tyler to DC leaves from school 2 pm
Thursday 3/26/09 Institute class 9:30 set up quilt after
Enrichment 6:30
Friday 3/27/09 Steven Clouse wedding reception 7-9

Saturday 3/28/09
Sunday 3/29/09 Humanitarian meeting 7pm at our house
pick up Tyler at Airport 8:50 pm
Welcome family. We hope to stay a little more connected with this blog. Please add any events so we may all know what is going on in your lives. Pictures are good too. Mom
This is just a test to see if this message gets to the blog spot.